=============================================================================== W A V E C O M =============================================================================== OPEN AT V1.10 Updated : April 22th, 2002 =============================================================================== (To print this file : use Notepad and remove all margins and default header.) --------------------------------- Content of this file --------------------------------- Sample application n°1 (Call Monitoring) description I. Changes II. Application description III. Application States I - Changes =========== * 01/11/06 - V1.00 Initial revision. * 02/04/22 - V1.10 New Wavecom sample library. The "AT+WOCM=1" command is now always available. II - Application description ============================ This application provides unsolicited responses in order to inform the external application of the current call operations. The syntax of this unsolicited response is the following (Wavecom OpenAT Call Monitor) : +WOCM: ,,,,,,,, All parameters are similar to the +CLCC response, except the parameter. This one is equal to 0, except when the call is released : this parameter is then the error returned by the +CEER command. A new +WOCM unsolicited response is displayed when the parameter has changed for this call . In addition with the +CLCC values, the status value takes the value "6" when the call is released. A log system is provided to save in Flash Memory the last unsolicited +WOCM responses for each call ID. This system is managed by the +WOCM command : (Test Command) AT+WOCM=? +WOCM: (0-3),(1-7) OK (Read Command) AT+WOCM? +WOCM: , OK : 0 or 1, shows if the log saving system is enabled or not (disabled by default) : hexadecimal string, each bit (from 0 to 6, for each call ID) is set if a call log was saved for this call ID. "01" : a log is saved in Flash Memory for call ID 1 "0A" : a log is saved in Flash Memory for call IDs 2 and 4 (Parameters Command) AT+WOCM=[,] OK ot +CME ERROR: 3 : 0 to disable the log saving system (default) ; param is not used 1 to enable the log saving system ; param is not used 2 to read the saved log of the parameter 3 to delete the saved log of the parameter : 1-7 log ID to read or delete, for s 2 and 3 This command is only available when the product is in IDLE state, once the PIN code has been entered. III - Application States ======================== * MO call treatment ******** +->* IDLE * | ******** | | | | "ATDxxxxxxx", MO call | | | V | ******************* | * Wait +WIND: 5,X * | ******************* | | | | "+WIND: 5,X" ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 2 | | (dialing)) | V | ***************** | * Wait +WIND: 2 * | ***************** | | | | "+WIND: 2" ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 3 | | (alerting)) | V | ******************** | * Wait ATD reponse * | ******************** | | | | "OK" ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 0 (active)) +----+ * MT call treatment ******** +->* IDLE * | ******** | | | | "RING", ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 4 | | (incoming)) | V | ******** +--* RING * Wait for "ATA" or "ATH" command, and display the "+WOCM" ******** response * Call waiting treatment ******** +->* IDLE * | ******** | | | | "+WIND: 5,X", ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 5 | | (call waiting)) | V | **************** +--* CALL WAITING * Wait for "ATA", "AT+CHLD" or "ATH" command, and **************** display the "+WOCM" response * Multiparty operations Each call to AT+CHLD command will display a +WOCM indication * Call released by the external application (Any State) | | "ATH" (all calls are released) | ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 6 (released)) V ******** * IDLE * ******** * Call released by the remote party ******** +->* IDLE * | ******** | | | | "+WIND: 6,X", ("+WOCM" response displayed, with = 6 | | (released)) | V | *********** +--* RELEASE * ***********