=============================================================================== W A V E C O M =============================================================================== OPEN AT V100 Updated : October 19th, 2001 =============================================================================== (To print this file : use Notepad and remove all margins and default header.) --------------------------------- Content of this file --------------------------------- This file describes the empty application. In this directory (\SAMPLES\EMPTY) is provided a "empty.dwl" file, usable to erase the last Open-AT application the user has downloaded on the target. In order to erase the application that is currently running on a target, download the "empty.dwl" file on this target, exactly as an Open-AT application. The previous Open-AT application is now erased. You can check this by typing the "AT+WOPEN=2" command. The response should be : "+WOPEN: 2,"AT v1.00"". (Please refer to the "AT commands interface" documentation).=