The 2 patch files Projman.exe and Ctldlg.dll are required patch files for Solutions version 2.0 software. These patches correct a defect in Solutions 2.0 that caused the Northings and Eastings to be inverted in a Ground Coordinate System. The procedure for installing these patch files is as follows: (1) Copy the 2 files to the /bin directory on your computer. The /bin directory is most likely located as follows on your computer: C:/Program Files/Ashtech Solutions/bin Some installations will have a different path. The critical thing is to place the 2 files in the /bin directory which is underneath the Ashtech Solutions directory. You will need to overwrite the two existing files. (2) Start the Solutions 2.0 program as you normally do with the Windows start menu: Start Programs Ashtech Solutions 2.00 Project Manager * Verify that it is Ashtech Solutions 2.05. * This is done by looking at Help About Survey Project manager.