This version 7G firmware is for the MD-XII or Ranger with firmwarwe 6F or above with Co-Processor. CO-Processor can be confirmed by checking options on screen 8. Go to screen 8, press e, enter 888 and press e again. Receivers with a co-processor are identified with MCF on the lower right hand portion of the screen. If a co-processor is not present, contact Ashtech Customer support for assistance at 800-229-2400 (US only) or 408-615-3980 (worldwide). The Ashtech upload programs are DOS based programs which should only be run within a pure DOS environment and using the standard VGA/EGA display mode. Shelling to DOS from Windows or similar package and then running these programs may cause communication interruptions and could cause the receiver to be incorrectly programmed requiring return to Ashtech for correction. The computer should be freshly re-booted to make sure that no other program is being executed before starting the upload programs. ***WARNING***: Any interruption in communications during the firmware upload sequence will require further corrective actions, which if not performed properly, may render the unit unusable (the unit may have to be returned to the factory to have the unit reset). Ashtech programs are designed to operate with industry standard personal computers. Use of computers which are not 100% compatible with these standards may cause abnormal program operation and require returning the unit for factory reprogramming. To load firmware: 1. Turn off any messages being output on GPS receiver RS232 port. 2. Set GPS receiver BAUD rate to 115200 BAUD. 3. Type if using computer COM1 or Type if using computer COM2. 4. Follow instructions on computer screen.