ECO NUMBER: ALPSYS03_071 ----------- PRODUCT: OpenVMS Alpha Operating System -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: OpenVMS Alpha Operating System 7.1 ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 457 ---------------- COVER LETTER 1 KIT NAME: ALPSYS03_071 2 KITS SUPERSEDED BY THIS KIT: None 3 KIT DESCRIPTION: 3.1 Version(s) of OpenVMS to which this kit may be applied: OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 3.2 In order to receive the full fixes listed in this kit the following remedial kits also need to be installed: None 3.3 Files patched or replaced: o [SYS$LDR]SYS$VCC.EXE (new image) o [SYS$LDR]SYS$VCC_MON.EXE (new image) 4 PROBLEMS ADDRESSED IN ALPSYS03_071 KIT o System crashes with one of the following footprints: INCONSTATE SYS$VCC_NPRO+00009F04 INCONSTATE SYS$VCC_NPRO+00009F00 INCONSTATE VAXCLUSTER_CACHE+03EB1 5 KIT INSTALLATION RATING: The following kit installation rating, based upon current CLD information, is provided to serve as a guide as to which customers should apply this remedial kit. (Reference attached Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability Statement) -- COVER LETTER -- Page 2 30 May 1997 INSTALLATION RATING: 2 : To be installed by all customers using the following feature(s): Customers using VAX Cluster Cache. 6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Install this kit with the VMSINSTAL utility by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ALPSYS03_071 [location of the saveset] The saveset location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that contains the kit saveset. System should be rebooted after successful installation of the kit. If you have other nodes in your VMScluster, they should also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s). Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY THIS PATCH IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFIT, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PATCH MADE AVAILABLE HERE OR TO THE USE OF SUCH PATCH.