Infranet Controller Configuration

Edit the following options to define new or edit existing Infranet Controller settings:

Enter a URL string with the following format within double quotes:
“http://<connected Infranet Controller IP or domain name>/?target=%dest-url%”

See Examples

For example,

The security device replaces the %dest-url% parameter with the user-requested protected resource URL, and then forwards the protected resource URL in encrypted form to the Infranet Controller.

In the Redirect URL string, you can omit the ?target=%dest-url% parameter.

For example,

If you do not include the %dest-url% parameter, the user must manually open a new Web browser window and enter the protected resource URL again after signing in.

Note: If you do not specify the URL, the security device uses the default redirect URL.. The default redirect URL (Infranet Controller) is not displayed.

If you configured your device to work with multiple Infranet Controllers in a cluster, and the current Infranet Controller becomes disconnected, the security device automatically redirects HTTP traffic to the next active Infranet Controller in its configuration list. The security device redirects traffic to only one Infranet Controller at a time.

For more information on using this captive portal When you deploy the Infranet Controller and Infranet Enforcer, users may not know that they must first sign into the Infranet Controller for authentication and endpoint security checking before they are allowed to access a protected resource behind the security device (Infranet Enforcer).

To help users sign into the Infranet Controller, you can configure a redirect infranet-auth policy in the Infranet Enforcer to automatically redirect HTTP traffic destined for protected resources to the Infranet Controller.  

You can configure a captive portal for deployments that use either source IP-based enforcement or IPSec enforcement, or a combination of both enforcement methods. For more information on deploying the captive portal feature, see Policies > Advanced > Infranet Auth.
 feature, see the Unified Access Control Administration Guide.

NACN Parameters

Click OK to save your settings.

June 15, 2006