SNMP Report Settings

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent for the NetScreen device provides network administrators with a way to view statistical data about the network and the devices on it, and to receive notification of system events of interest. The NetScreen device supports the SNMPv1 protocol (described in RFC-1157) and the SNMPv2c protocol (described in RFC-1901, RFC-1905, and RFC-1906). The NetScreen device also supports all relevant Management Information Base II (MIB II) groups defined in RFC-1213.

To set up SNMP on your device

  1. Enter the necessary information:

System Name: (Read-only) The host name of the NetScreen device.

System Contact: Enter the name of the network administrator for the NetScreen device.

Location: Enter the physical location of the NetScreen device.

Listen Port: Enter the port number the NetScreen device listens on.

Trap Port: Enterthe port number the NetScreen device uses to transmit SNMP traps.

Enable Authentication Fail Trap: Select this option if you want the SNMP agent in the NetScreen device to generate a trap when someone queries the NetScreen device using the wrong community string or if the host querying the device is not in the community.

  1. Click Apply to save your settings.


This table lists communities configured on your NetScreen device and the following information on each one of them:

Name: The name of the group, or "community," of administrators who can view data gathered by the SNMP agent and receive SNMP notification of system events.

Write: A check mark "" indicates that the community has read-write privileges for MIB II data. An X "" indicates read-only privileges (or the Write permission is disabled).

Trap: A check mark "" indicates that the community receives notifications, or "traps", when certain events occur, for example, when there's an SNMP authentication failure or for system alarms. An X "" indicates that the community does not receive system event traps (the Trap permission is disabled).

Traffic: A check mark "" indicates that the community receives traffic alarm traps, triggered when network traffic exceeds the alarm thresholds set in access policy. An X "" indicates that the community does not receive traffic alarm traps (or the Traffic permission is disabled).

Hosts: The IP addresses of the hosts of the members in the community. A host can be an individual workstation or a subnet.

Configure: To modify an SNMP community, click Edit. To remove a community, click Remove.

Creating a New Community

To create a new community, click New Community. For more information, see SNMP Community Configuration.