Antispam Action

When the device detects a message that it deems to be spam, it must decide what action to perform in response.

SBL Default Enable: Enables use of the external spam-blocking SBL service, which uses a black list to identify known spam sources. The service replies to queries from the device about whether an IP address belongs to a known spammer.

Actions: Directs the device to perform specified actions when it deems a message to be spam.

Tag on Subject: Instructs the device to tag the subject field of all messages identified as spam, without dropping them.

Tag on Header: Instructs the device to tag the header field of all messages identified as spam, without dropping them.

Drop: Instructs the device to drop all messages identified as spam.

Tag Message: Specifies the message to insert in any message deemed to be spam. This option directs the device to tag all spam messages, without dropping the messages. The default tag is ***SPAM***.