MRV Communications,Inc. Read Me File If the 5150 screen does not display when you insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive, it could be for one of the following reasons: 1. You are not running in a Windows environment. Please refer to the Reading PDF Files instructions below to proceed. or 2. You are running Windows, but the Autoplay feature on your PC is disabled. To enable AUTOPLAY, open My Computer on your desktop, and use your mouse to right click on the iTouch icon. Select AUTOPLAY to enable the autoplay function. Or if you prefer not to enable autoplay, select EXPLORE from the pulldown menu to view the contents of the CD. Reading PDF Files When the contents of the 5150 CD displays, select the file PwrControl-kit53d.pdf if you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. To install Acrobat Reader, open the Adobe Readers folder, and install the compatible reader for your system.